It is the commitment of Avison Electrical to achieve "Zero Harm" in employee Health and Safety.
Our intention is to have every employee complete each work day without a work related time loss injury or illness.
We believe this goal can be achieved and maintained through the vigilant adherence to the Avison Electrical Safety Manual and Program. The Avison Electrical safety program is based on a five point safety system and supported by written documentation, forms and sign-off sheets.
Health and safety will be steeped into employees through the clear communication of expectations and procedures, thorough repetitive and continuing education, and the monitoring of employee performance to ensure correct safety compliance.Our employees are required to analyze their surroundings, identify any potential hazards and consider the safest way to operate around those potential hazards.
Our weekly talks refresh the minds of our employees on how important safety really is to us. Each talk includes teaching on a different topic and allows a specified time for employees to voice any concerns or recommendations and have them addressed.

Authorized Contractor Program
What is ACP?
Authorized Contractor Program
The Authorized Contractor Program was developed by ESA to recognize those Licensed Electrical Contractors and HVAC Installers who consistently perform Ontario Electrical Safety Code compliant work.

Electrical Safety Authority
The key to electrical safety.